The East Sussex College Training Hub in partnership with OHM Energy.

We are offering a range of fully accredited training courses from our dedicated training facility in Eastbourne. Our innovative and forward-thinking courses have been designed to upskill and provide the resources to support a more sustainable future.

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Join our Future Skills Tutor Tammy, for a virtual tour of our training spaces!

Over the next 30 years, we must decarbonise over 27 million homes in the UK. That means reducing the amount of C02 emitted from those properties by installing insulation, building services and renewable energy systems at a scale and pace never seen before.

This unprecedented challenge will require the retaining of skilled trades and professionals to install domestic green energy solutions and ensure that houses and commercial properties are sufficiently insulated to ensure these new technologies work effectively and efficiently.

Our new specialist Training Hub in greener technologies supports local authorities, businesses, construction employers and homeowners to improve insulation and installing green energy products ranging from solar, and micro-wind installations to house-refitting and heat pump technology, in both commercial properties and housing reducing energy consumption.

The transition to a green economy requires a workforce with the right skills. We aim to change behaviour by developing our training provisions, enabling people to upskill with our new range of Sustainability courses. Our courses include low carbon and environmental sustainability skills, decarbonisation, heat pump technology, Solar PV systems, micro-wind systems and retrofit technologies. All essential to help businesses use natural resources efficiently and sustainably and be resilient to climate change.